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NUA Art Tests - The Brief

The Brief

"Over the next 2 weeks you will choose and engage with an art or design test that mimic potential tests set by an employer. Tests are used to validate your CV and further assess your suitability for a position within a company. Tests are not limited to art and design; programmers and occasionally producers will also engage in formal or informal assessment or tasks. Collate your development into your journal and produce what your selected test asks. Consider the context of your selected test. Research the studio and franchisee is applicable. Understand their production values and styles. Evaluate whether they would want to see a result that is to specification or with that extra something."

These were the seperate art tests we were given for each industry job role:

It was tough to decide between the 2D concept art briefs, however because my strength is drawing/creating characters I decided to go with the test from Telltale Games. In my last devlopment project I was creating asset sheets for products because I felt that I really needed to improve upon it, so now I believe I'm ready to play to my strengths and work with something I'm more confident with.

(Here is the brief I will be working with again, however in the form of larger text instead of an image)

2D Concept Art : Character Brief

Company: Telltale Games


Monkey Island: Lost Cove

Project Description:

Telltale is creating a new installment in the Monkey Island franchise. Following on from its successes with Game of Thrones and The Walking Dead. Lost Cove features a mechanic where the player can switch between normal day time and a mystical and spooky twilight dimension. Task Requirements Design a shopkeeper character that resides in a remote underwater sunken temple. You don’t know how they get custom but they are surprisingly happy with their situation. Design and present both their normal and twilight state.

Task Specification:

❖ Model Sheet

❖ Character Sheet

❖ Concept Painting

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